Wednesday, 30 July 2008

mount your bikes

Well, it's tomorrow already, and I'm still awake doing stuff. The nerves having been building over the last few days and the packing has been somewhat of a nightmarish activity, especially when I found out that the weight limit for surface mail to South Africa had gone from 30kg to 10kg! I had to repack everything. Oh, it's not really stressful, I'm just too crazy to notice the stress at the moment, or the fact that I'm awake at this hour.
My good friend Steve Munoz will be helping me keep this up to date while my legs a whirring away on the bike for the next six weeks. Thanks Steve!
Right. I'm off...with about 40kg of gear bike and trailer. Hmm, nothing to declare, nothing to check in que, is it?

1 comment:

pescevino said...

Dear Chetan, how are you going?

Thank you for your teaching at Mitsue e.s., my daughter and son
studied a lot from you not only English but important things as a
My son said with tears to me last night that war begin again?
I told him that the Japanese public was never vowed not to war, so you
have to be in harmony with children all over the world, who have
different face, color, language, customs, religion, and so on.
Thank you very much again.

Now you are on the way of Japan longitudinal by bicycle, aren't you?
Take care to traffic safety, pay close attention to heat stroke, drink
much water! , and please enjoy a variety of Japan!
Bon voyage.